When I was 11 my family and I went to Australia. We have friends that live in Sydney so we went and stayed with them for two weeks. I took a flight from here to California that took two hours, then we took a twelve to fourteen hour flight all the way to Sydney. When we got to our friends' house the first thing we did was take their dogs Paris and Jasper to the dog park. The dog park was a huge fenced in circle that you could go into, let your dog off its leash and play. We went there quite a few times during our trip. For about half our trip we went and toured the different parts of Sydney, but to get there we had to take a train and on the second day of sight seeing we went without one of our friends named Grant. So on our way back home we asked one of the guys at the station which train would take us back where we had come from, and you know how Australians have that weird accent well the guy had told us to get on the wrong train and we went all the way to a town called Doonside. We did that twice on accident, but the second time there was a really creepy drunk guy who was yelling at the top of his lungs at random people. Anyway one of the days we went to a wildlife preserve. There we got to feed kangaroos and pet koalas. First we pet the koalas and they, I promise, are the worst smelling things on the planet (but I like them anyway). The kangaroos we got to pet were really fat because you can buy food to feed them and none of them would eat because they were so full. Another day on our trip we went on this speed boat thing that would take you out in the bay and go really fast then you would count down 3, 2, 1! and the driver would make the boat spin around once and repeat that like four times. On the last day in Australia I was really sad and didn't want to leave because that meant about a fourteen hour plane ride and it would be rainy and cold at home. Otherwise I had lots of fun in Australia.
That is really cool that you went to Australia! I really want to go to Sydney and stuff. Petting kangaroes would be really cool! Same with Koalas! Did the drunk guy yell at you? That would be creepy!
sounds like fun. i always have wanted to go to australia. since i was like five, because koala's were my favorite animal back then. anyways, i dont think id be able to handle that long of a plane ride. you must've been bored.
Ellie, that sounds sweet. I bet it was weird with everybody having an accent except you and your family. I went to camp with a girl from Ireland and I kept talking with an Irish accent by accident, 'cause she had one, did that happen to you? The plane ride probobly wasno fun though. I can never sleep on planes, but my mom and sister do so there isn't anybody to talk too(except for creepy strangers).
Wow Elli I wish I could go to Australia. That stinks that you got sent on the wrong train. If that was me I would have been really mad. And then you did it again! That must have been really fun feeding the kangaroos. Well overall that sounds like it was a really fun trip.
That sounds like a really fun time. That sucks that the koalas smelt bad, but they're cute so it doesn't matter! My cousins went to Australia for a year a while ago and they said that kangeroos were like deers there. I thought that was interesting. Thats funny that there was a drunk guy on your train.
Hey this is Jake L. I want to go to Australia and pet animals. Doesn't the heat socks? I know how it feels to be on a plain for over 10hrs because i done that. Also Dains back pack is magical
I'm just wondering, could you write anymore?!? I remember when you went to Australia. The pictures were really cool. I bet my dogs would love it there(dog park). I'm not sure if I've ever gone there. The way you explain it, it sounds really cool.
Hi Elli! Your trip sounded like it was fun. I have never been to Australia before. I want to there some day. Actualy, I have never been anywere out side of the United States, exept for Mexico once. All the states I have been to are Washington, Washington D.C., Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Orgon and California.
I am really jealous that you got to go to Australia! My mom was about to move to Australia to go work as a a nurse in a hospital there, but then she met my dad and she decided to stay. I have traveled to so many countries that I can't even remember half of trips! It is cool that you got to see Kangaroes and Koalas. And what was up about the Drunk Guy? Nice blog so far!
wow that sounds like fun my parents want to go to australia bu we werent able to i kinda sucked any way that sounded like fun
WOOOOOHHHAAA!!! you are sooo lucky!! i would do anything to go to Australia and meet some aussies!! well i have already met 7 aussies!! they are soo cool it sounds like you had a lot of fun!! my sister went to Australia and she brought back 4 Aussies they are the coolest people i have ever met!! there names were Scotti, Rob, Tristin, and Paul. they are like my brothers now and i miss them like crazy! this one time all of them came over and they started playing wii and Rob was really drunk and he was playing bowling so when he went forward to throw the ball he slid and fell on his butt!!! it was the funniest thing i have ever seen!! i wish i could pet a kangaroo or a koala! that is tight!! i really like your blog every thing caught my eye in some way! CHOW!
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